Friday, December 20, 2002

The Battle of the Dans

Let's just have ourselves a little smarminess contest. In this corner, a funky yet smooooth band named after a dildo. And in this other corner, some guy, we'll call him "Dan," and let him go first:

Just for a moment I was back in school.
And felt that old familiar pain
And as I turned to make my way back home
the snow turned into rain.

Wait! That was so smarmy, I think Dan Fogelberg just won. Steely Dan could never hope to go up against an angst-filled crooner that talented. Oh, the shame!

Well, next time you're itching to torment some poor creature, just lock it in a bathroom, or other inescapable-yet-sound-permeable area, and crank up That Same Old Lang Syne.


(ps: Confidential to T- seems to be available!)

Monday, December 16, 2002

Well, my good friend Chuck just switched to Mac. Technically he switched to MacS, because now he's running dual 867 MHz processors. He's been gloating how it hasn't crashed yet. And yet it must be particularly galling to him that there's already a Microsoft product on it. Just when you think you've thumbed your nose at Bill, he wriggles his way into your market segment. Maybe Dar's right.
Breakfast at Milo's. Dinner at Oasis Pizza. Leftover Oasis for breakfast. La Buca for lunch. Hell-o abituale! I'm living the Portland food dream.
My new pet peeve is people writing "lol" about their own comment.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

For those of you who don't necessarily partner with synergy, there's a new level of crass in town. Demotivational posters for all your needs.

Monday, December 09, 2002

You know you've got an ounce of cool when the young, unwashed hipster behind the counter at Music Millenium approves of your choices. Susan Tedeschi, because of the voice, and Steely Dan's Aja, you know, for sheer production quality. To which said unwashed hipster replied, "Word."

I suppose the best thing about the trip was that, besides picking up one of the best-produced albums of our parent's time, I walked more than a block in the rain and didn't melt, immediately die of pneumonia or even get significantly wet. Seems that coat technology has improved since the last time I lived in the beaver state. Being here, I feel like I'm obligated to walk somewhere in the rain, and it's nice to know that I can do it without the soggy misery of an incompletely waterproof coat.

Props to Matt B for the Aja recommendation.