Thursday, October 19, 2006

Scottish Ale Update:

The scottish ale that nearly killed me, Matt and Curt is now bottle conditioned.

Cracked one open today to find a very drinkable mellow ale with coppery overtones and a very clean finish. Not at all as hoppy as I had worried it would be since we failed to strain the hop pellets/nuclear boiling chips as we poured it in the carboy.

Disaster averted.

Monday, October 09, 2006

We had a delightful Italian dinner with G&A&C, "Pollo ai Burleschque," and as usual a great time was had by all.

Camille was intermittently in good spirits:

Curt had some good product in his hair, presumably to impress the photogenic girl

It was an excellent excuse to polish off a bottle of syrah. And a bottle of prosecco. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Yet another haircut

So, this time there was appreciable loss of hair. We let a professional finish this particular job after there was an... unfortunate incident involving his bangs.


He's all grown up now, and ready to graduate to the beer bong.

We don't appear to have crushed his spirit by giving him a "young republican" cut. Posted by Picasa