Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dessert with Dr. B

We went to gelato with Gary, Anne and Camille tonight. The company and the dessert were both great fun. Camille is turning out to be quite the photogenic baby. She snuggled me like I was made of teddy bear stuffing, too.
Curt was in fine spirits, always a plus.
Camille, looking adorable:
...And an action shot:
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Where's the gelato, you ask? I ate it.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jamison Sq.

We went to Jamison Square with Matt and T and the Gus. It was a blast. Curt hammed it up for the camera non stop. I filled a 1 GB flash card with photos like this. See also: the cuteness of Gus below.



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