Sunday, November 27, 2005

Baby Blues

The Punnett square says that the chances of Curt having blue eyes are low, as both his mother and I have brown eyes. His blue blue blue eyes are gorgeous, and I hope they stick around, though T's mother swears up and down that hers changed very late... around 9 months. At least I have photographic evidence if they do change.

I love how much personality he has now. No more infant poker-face. If he's happy, I can tell. If he's not, better look out.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The New Cuteness

Okay, I'll admit it, I've been remiss in my blogging duties. I wonder how many sporadically updated blogs have that particular theme... Well, I at least, have an excuse. Observe:

Here is Curtis at one day old. He's a looker. What's nice is now that he's a little over six months old, he smiles, babbles and interacts with me and T non-stop. Below, there's a more current picture:

See that winning smile? Keeping that smile on his face has been a full-time endeavor for the two of us. Imagine... two fully grown and well-trained professionals stymied by a crying jag that lasted for 15 minutes. It felt like 100 days, but nonetheless we were reduced to humble servants under an adorable infant thumb.

Thanks to Matt, who guilts me into productivity with his minute-by-minute updates on the Gus Blog. And for his suggestion that I read Dooce. Why it's comforting to know that someone else's child's cry is like the Burning Gates of Hell flung wide to her parent's faces, I don't know, but it is.

Curt can do all the things infants his age are supposed to, except sleep all night- so don't ask how much sleep I'm getting. This is a compromise I can accept. Feel free to comment on the hair. Everyone does, and 50% of people in public think he's a girl for it. I am not sure why. I'd like to make him a button that reads something like "I am a boy and I have hair. Sorry your kids were bald and less attractive." T assures me this would be Not A Good Thing To Do.

The stats, for those of you who haven't already heard:
Curtis Evan Norris
7lbs. 4oz

I'll post some more photos as time permits(ha!), possibly to include the Bee-Baby photo, if I can find it.